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Each of the ecostoves we deliver emits up to 3 tons less CO2 per year, compared to the traditional stove, produces a weekly saving of 60 pounds of firewood and generates less smoke inside the home.


The ecostove avoids respiratory and eye diseases in families, caused by the amount of smoke that the traditional stove generated.

Mangrove Ecosystem Recovery

Through mangroves we have reservoirs of biodiversity, they are a source of organic and inorganic matter that sustains the food chain and are a natural wall to protect the coasts; without them we would suffer more drastically the impacts of floods.


Together with a group of fishermen and volunteers, we are working on the recovery of the mangrove ecosystem. To date, we have planted 1,358,364 red mangrove propagules.

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Olive Ridley Sea Turtle

The Olive Ridley sea turtle is a species in the vulnerable category according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). In addition to pressure from natural predators, human activities pose a threat, as their meat is used, and their eggs are commercially exploited.

At FUNDESUR, we are part of the Verification and Control Commission of the Gulf of Fonseca (CVC), where we join efforts for the preservation of this species by strengthening bans during nesting seasons.

To date, we have released more than 326,000 Olive Ridley sea turtles.

Program for Responsible Management of Waste Tires

Alongside Ferretería Herco and Cemento Argos Honduras, we have implemented the Program for the Responsible Management of Waste Tires, with the support of the Ministry of Health, MiAmbiente, and the Municipal Government of Choluteca. This program provides a viable environmental alternative by collecting used tires and utilizing the co-processing technique in cement production. This prevents them from becoming breeding grounds for mosquitoes or being burned, which could release hazardous chemicals into the air.

We have successfully collected more than 86,919 used tires.

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Phone: +504 2782-0986, 2782-3301, 2782-1053, 2782-3848

Address: El Aterrizaje Neighborhood, 3rd Street El Cortijo, 1 and 1/2 blocks east of Plaza Rosanelo, Choluteca, Honduras

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