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Life Stories


Before starting the workshop, I didn't have a way to generate income for my family, and I always liked watching people cut hair and do makeup. However, being of limited resources, I never thought I could afford to take a course like this and learn what I now know.

When I found out that FUNDESUR was going to offer the workshop, I told my sister-in-law to sign me up, and that's how I enrolled.

From the first day, I never missed a class, even though it was sometimes challenging for me to attend. With a lot of effort, I went to each and every class.

I feel very satisfied with what I learned because they also taught us how to save and how to start a business.

Now, many neighbors come to me to have their hair done or for makeup. They tell me that I make them look beautiful, and they leave happy. When there are weddings or quinceañeras, I go to their homes because I also do freelance work.

I thank Fundesur for bringing this course to Guameru because, thanks to them, I have been able to bring income to my family.

Keidy Mercado

Beneficiary of the 'Yo Emprendo con FUNDESUR' program

Community 7 de Mayo

Donation of sewing equipment to the General Hospital of the South

For over a year, the Tailoring Department of the General Hospital of the South had halted its operations due to a lack of equipment and raw materials. Recognizing this significant need, we made a substantial donation valued at over L 65,000. This included providing the department with 4 electric sewing machines, 1 sorter, and 10 rolls of fabric. This support enables them to resume the production of sheets, surgical gowns, caps, smocks, shoe covers, and everything essential for the hospital.

Having these raw materials at the Southern Hospital is of utmost importance to ensure that the medical team and patients receive supplies in good condition

We Build Smiles!

Our dental program 'Building Smiles' allows us to change lives.

This month, a young individual came for a consultation with our dentist, Dr. Pamela, requesting the extraction of her 4 front teeth, believing there was no way to restore them.

After the evaluation, it was determined and explained that the extraction of her teeth was not necessary. Instead, the proper restoration of her 4 front teeth was performed. She was given instructions for maintaining good oral hygiene, and appointments for her next check-up and follow-up were scheduled.

Now, she has improved oral health, healthier and stronger teeth, and increased self-confidence.

Since 2018, our 'Building Smiles' program has been allowing us to change lives.

Our 'Health for Life' program allows us to have healthier communities!

In the community of Buena Fe, within the influence area of the Guanacaste Health Center in Nacaome, Valle, where we have a permanent doctor, lives Mrs. María Díaz, 39 years old, diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

In 2019, she came to the health center, underwent monthly check-ups, and received medications, purchased by FUNDESUR, necessary to control her disease. The situation became complicated with the onset of the pandemic, as it led to Mrs. María's absence from the Health Center. Consequently, she stopped receiving her check-ups and medication, resulting in a diabetic foot complication (grade 4) and the amputation of her right leg.

Currently, we were able to resume her case, thanks to the valuable support of Dr. Juan Carlos Canales (Endocrinology Specialist), who evaluated the patient and provided the necessary tests to stabilize her condition.

Mrs. María will resume her consultations with Dr. Martha, and we will provide her with the prescribed medications. She will also continue to follow up with Dr. Canales to achieve metabolic control once again.

With this program, we will give Mrs. María the opportunity to manage her disease with better control, avoiding future complications.

Alongside our strategic partner, Proyecto Mirador, we delivered 200 2x3 stoves (ecofogones) to the communities of El Matearal, El Cenícero, Laure Arriba, La Danta, and La Guaca in San Lorenzo, Valle.

Nora Fúnez, from the community of El Matearal, tells us that since childhood, when her mother taught her to prepare food, she suffered from the excessive smoke generated by the traditional stove inside their homes. 'That pile of smoke caused me allergies, made me cry, and it was hard for me to breathe. Now I am happy; I will spend all my time cooking, and I will do everything there.'

With this project, we aim to reduce pollution caused by smoke, decrease respiratory diseases, and generate family savings by reducing firewood consumption.

The 2x3 stoves significantly reduce the emission of Carbon Dioxide annually.

With these types of projects, we reaffirm our commitment to health and the environment.

¡Promovemos el desarrollo en tu comunidad!

After this group of women received the Hair Care and Cosmetology Workshop, we continued with our training program 'Soy Emprendedora con Fundesur' (I'm an Entrepreneur with Fundesur). The objective is to provide the tools and knowledge necessary for participants to start their own businesses and generate income to support their families. Together with Banco Atlántida, we provided financial education to women from San Bernardo, La Cuchilla, El Venado, and Guamerú in Namasigüe. The focus was on topics such as Management of Banking Procedures and MiPyme Credits.

This program creates new income alternatives and promotes comprehensive and sustainable development in the communities.


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Phone: +504 2782-0986, 2782-3301, 2782-1053, 2782-3848

Address: El Aterrizaje Neighborhood, 3rd Street El Cortijo, 1 and 1/2 blocks east of Plaza Rosanelo, Choluteca, Honduras

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