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Kicking Off the School Season with Great Enthusiasm

Foto del escritor: Roque ZepedaRoque Zepeda

Since 2015, we have been committed to the education of our children, and this year is no exception. We are excited to announce the distribution of 9,875 school kits to children in the southern coastal area of Honduras. With an investment of over 2.4 million lempiras, we have expanded our reach to more than 180 educational centers, benefiting students from 8 municipalities in the departments of Choluteca and Valle. Each kit, consisting of a backpack and essential supplies, represents a valuable tool for learning and development.

Our goal goes beyond just delivering materials. We aim to significantly impact the fight against school dropout. We firmly believe that education is a cornerstone in the advancement and progress of both individuals and societies. Through it, we seek to improve social well-being, boost economic growth, open doors to better jobs, and raise the cultural level of our population.




Teléfono: +504 2782-0986, 2782-3301, 2782-1053, 2782-3848

Dirección: Barrio El Aterrizaje, 3ra Calle El Cortijo, 1  y 1/2 cuadra al

este de Plaza Rosanelo, Choluteca, Honduras

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